NZ needs to be united!

Recent letters seemed to have stirred up a few people. In answer to some of the points raised.
Te Reo - I have no problem with people wishing to learn Te Reo but I don't believe the language should be mixed with English.
I also don't believe that in receiving communication from my local council, I should have to 'look words up on Google”.
Grievance about Maori land losses - that has and is being addressed by the Treaty settlements and that is what the Waitangi Treaty Tribunal was set up to address.
Co-governance - I cannot accept that co-governance is in any way democratic when power is given to unelected individuals on the basis of race. Maori already have adequate representation in Parliament. This country needs to be united as one people: There should be one person one vote. That is what past generations fought and died for. We should not throw it away.
Steve Porter, Welcome Bay.

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