Maketu wetland working bee

Peggy Moncur and Meretupou Skudder shucking seeds at a past working bee.

Maketu Ongatoro Wetland Society is holding a working bee this Saturday, May 12, and would love help from the Western Bay of Plenty community.

Operations manager and principal ecologist Jenn Shephard invites helpers to come along to shuck/extract seeds from native coastal plants to provide a seed source for future plants.

'These seeds will be provided to nurseries to grow so that we can continue to plant kawhangatara (spinifex) in our sand dunes.”

The event at MOWS work shed, 461 Wilson Road North, Maketu, will go ahead from 9.30am-11.30am – rain or shine – and anyone can participate, no matter age are or fitness level. A light morning tea will be provided. For more information, email:

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