New ‘home base’ for service personnel

Tauranga RSA president Morton Anderson and Fred Milligan in the space that will be the support drop-in centre. Photo: John Borren.

A space to support veterans and service personnel will be up and running the start of June at Tauranga RSA.

On Tuesday, June 4, Tauranga RSA will open a support drop-in centre in one of their clubrooms which will be open to all that enlisted in the military – not just those who served overseas.

“The main reason we want to do it is so they [veterans and service personnel] have got somewhere they can come and talk to somebody,” says Tauranga RSA’s Support Trust chairperson Fred Milligan.

Fred says military veterans do not get looked after extremely well, especially in their later years of life; or younger veterans and their families when they leave the military.

“So what we’re trying to do is have a home base for them.”

Fred notes however that the drop-in service won’t only be about assisting the elderly, but will be for all veterans – young or old – facing financial hardship or suffering from physical or psychological effects due to their service.

“A lot of them need help,” says Fred.

“We know under the current conditions, there’s a lot of people out there who are suffering but don’t know how, where or what to do.”

The new drop-in space will offer support in a range of areas including – advice on assistance available under the Veteran’s Support Act, advice on work and income pensions and benefits, work and life after service, connecting with government agencies for health, wellbeing and service entitlements, and much more.

You can even just visit for a coffee, biscuit and a chit chat with a friendly face!

The Tauranga RSA support drop-in centre opens Tuesday, June 4 and will be open weekly thereafter on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with a support advisor available.

All enquiries and information will be kept confidential when speaking with support advisors,” says Fred.

“You do not need to be a RSA member to receive assistance for yourself or family.”

Contact the club if you would like to attend, or would like a support advisor to contact you.

Phone: 07 578 9654 or visit:  Search ‘Tauranga RSA’ on Facebook.

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