Teen actors launch TikTok series

The 10 members of the TikTok series. Photo: supplied.

A new TikTok series, created and brought to life by a talented group of teens from Bay of Plenty Actors Studio has launched this month.

After eight months of dedicated development, BOPAS is thrilled to announce the launch, which is set to make its debut on TikTok and YouTube, showcasing the creativity and hard work of these young actors. It also features Katikati’s iconic dairy-factory-turned-restaurant the Forta Leza as Chronicles Hotel.

The series, developed by Hunter Horo-Benge, Bear Banks, Tommy Shorter, Krystal Dance, Milo Jones, Emearie Elliot-Warren, Alana Aleksich, James Paki, Catie Anderson, Oliver Davie, and BOPAS founder Tanya Horo, follows a group of high school students on their final outing of the year.

Their stay at Chronicles Hotel takes a mysterious turn as they encounter strange events and must work together to uncover the hotel’s secrets.

Utilising the free and accessible platforms of TikTok and YouTube, the series aims to reach a broad audience and engage viewers with its intriguing plot and extensive lore, setting the stage for many seasons to come.

“We wanted to create something that not only showcases the talent of our students here in the Bay but also takes advantage of platforms that are widely used and accessible,” says Tanya.

Tanya is asking for the community to support the series by following a.r.r.g.o on TikTok and subscribing to A.R.R.G.O on YouTube.

“Your support is crucial in helping us bring this project to life,” says Tanya.

“Special thanks are extended to Forta Leza for the use of their amazing venue, Jimi Colzato for assisting with filming, Donna Dance for being our uber driver, Sara Elliott-Warren for also being an uber driver, and of course to all the parents for their support and patience throughout the production process.”


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