A rare awarding of two New Zealand Cadet Forces Medals occurred in town this week – to honour two people who have each given 12 years of service to Tauranga's 16 Squadron ATC Tauranga Air Cadets.
Flight Lieutenants Lynn White and Adrian Edwards both received the medal for long, efficient and continuous service with the cadet unit for 12 years.
Lynn was in command of the unit for four years before passing on the role to Adrian – and at their Change of Command ceremony both were awarded the prestigious medal by the Commandant of the NZ Cadet Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Grant Morris of the NZ Army.
Representatives of the Western Bay of Plenty Cadet Unit army cadets, and the TS Chatham Sea Cadets also attended.
'It's a very rare thing to have two medals presented at the same time,” says unit commander of the TS Chatham Sea Cadets, Lieutenant Commander Sandra Berry.
'Also a change of command parade occurs infrequently. The medal requires dedicating to do 20 days per year, for 12 years, during weekends and weeknights.”
'Lyn and Adrian have dedicated themselves to the young people in the unit,” says Sandra. 'What makes this also unique is that neither have children currently involved.”Tauranga Mayor Greg Brownless and Western Bay of Plenty Mayor Garry Webber.
The New Zealand Cadet Forces Medal.Tauranga's 16 Squadron ATC Air Cadets on parade.