Check out our local taonga and explore the wonderful wildlife within the Ōtanewainuku Forest this coming Tuesday.
As part of Envirohub's Sustainable Backyard month – which aims to improve people's wellbeing and quality of life through educational activities and workshops – founding member of Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust Carole Long will lead a visit to Ōtanewainuku forest on March 21.
'The forest is amazing because it's never been logged. Its ancient forest and the rimu trees are just huge…all the trees are stunning, not that I'm biased or anything,” says Carole.
She'll have her trusty kiwi companion by her side, discovered in the Tongariro Forest about 85 years ago. 'We call him ‘koro kiwi' because he's a grandad and his feathers are paler than a normal adult kiwi because like us they go a bit paler as they get older.”
The team welcomes those keen to see the forest and share wildlife protection work being done. 'About 20 years ago Forest & Bird funded setting up Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust, which means the forest is fairly safe for the kiwi breeding and kōkako – that beautiful song bird and that's because of our amazing team of volunteers.” The Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust team will meet at Ōtanewainuku Scenic Reserve Carpark on Tuesday, March 21, from 9.15am to run guided walks 9.30am-3pm. Book this free event