Mount needs a carparking building

Re: Proposed parking charges at The Mount. Tauranga City Councillor Reece Wilkinson
has known for many years that there were parking problems at the Mount.
A three-storey building should have been built for carparking close to the retail area.
The people who drive cars, and motorbikers, who purposely drive loudly up and down the retail area cause high levels of fumes. The council needs to do something about the problem as a lot of people will not go to the Mount because of loud noise and fumes. It is unacceptable and ruin people's day out.
Hilary R Burrows, Pāpāmoa.

**Tauranga City Council parking strategy manager Reece Wilkinson responds: Mount Maunganui is a unique location, and we want to make sure we fully engage with the community to ensure parking for locals and visitors remains fit for purpose. We are always open to discussion around the use of parking buildings in the area but note it is a difficult and expensive proposition. One of our key priorities is to reduce the need for people to use their cars and make it easier and safer to travel by bus, walking or cycling.

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