Dodge, hit, win!

The Bay of Plenty ‘Kraken’ dodgeball team. Photo: supplied.

“Watch out ...!” yells your teammate as a whirl of red comes hurtling towards you.

In a blink of an eye you sidestep just in time.

You’re still in the game … for now.

Dodgeball Bay of Plenty DBOP players are sharing their love of the game’s fun, honesty, and challenges of accuracy and quick reactions with our region.

Every Monday at 6pm DBOP hosts free drop-in nights at Te Puke High School Gym – and now the group will throw a new Social Dodgeball League in Mount Maunganui come the end of June.

Dion Chamberlin started the social dodgeball nights last year after going to a one-off night in Auckland with friend James Treweek from Dodgeball New Zealand.

“We got to talking about starting [a league] down here and then I bought some balls off [James], started advertising on social media pages and got a group of my friends coming along,” says Dion.

He reckons dodgeball offers a great alternative to the usual social sports like rugby, netball and basketball.

Focused on fun 

“There’s a very mild edge of competition in it.

"It’s very focused around just having fun.

"You’re just there with your mates and you’re throwing balls at each other – there’s not much to be taken too seriously.”

And don’t worry – the game doesn’t hurt as it only uses foam balls, not rubber ones.

“It’s not about pain. It’s about whether you have the skill to hit and dodge.

"That’s the game,” says James.

Dodgeball requires the skills of dodging and hitting opponents with foam balls. Photo: Supplied.

“One of the reasons I started playing is because it’s not as harsh on your body,” says Dion.

He used to play sports that were more high-impact.

“[With dodgeball] you are more or less stationary and you just have to move quickly out of the way and then ready yourself again.

"I’d probably liken it to table tennis – quick hop on the spot and ready to move.”

Based on honesty 

When you don’t dodge in time, the game is about being straight up.

“The sport itself is based a lot on honesty because the referee can’t be watching everything at all times.

"It kind of just asks for the players to be honest and truthful about what’s going on, on the court,” says Dion.

Get along and try it for yourself at Dodgeball BOP’s free drop-in nights every Monday at Te Puke High School Gym.

DBOP will begin the new Social Dodgeball League at the Mount Sports Centre on Monday, June 24.

Registrations are open now. Visit:

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